da toffly | Lug 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
…AND THE ANCIENT ROMANS? AS THEY DID WITHOUT TOILET PAPER Western society considers ancient Rome as a milestone in human history due to its avant-garde institutions and its cultural dynamism. Therefore, we can truly say that it was Rome that founded the first...
da toffly | Lug 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
CARTA MELA: A GIFT TO NATURE! From apple to paper. The CartaMela project by Roto-Cart was born from the idea of helping to solve the delicate environmental problem of the disposal of industrial waste deriving from apple processing. These residues, before processing,...
da toffly | Lug 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
PAPER INDUSTRY: AN EXAMPLE OF A CIRCULAR ECONOMY Assocarta, the business association of the category that aggregates, represents and protects companies that produce paper in Italy, during the International Day of Forests highlighted how the paper industry is...